Topics and vocabulary for EOI exams:
- Smartphone
- Mobile phone
- Tablet /tablit/
- Device = gadget = aparato electrónico
- Be hooked on sth = be addicted to sth = estar enganchado a algo, ser adicto a algo
- Be keen on sth = like = gustar, estar entusiasmado con algo
- Social networks = social networking sites
- Ebook
- Piracy /pairasi/
- Hackers
- Download /daunloud/
- Upload /upload/
- Wi-fi /uai-fai/
- Surf the Internet = navegar por internet
- Minor crimes = offences = delito menor
- Offender = infractor
- Pickpocket = carterista
- Speeding – verb = exceder el límite de velocidad
- Fine sb = multar a alguien. Ejemplo: I was fined = fui multado (me multaron)
- Rape = violación
- Kidnapping = rapto, secuestro
- Sentence – verb = sentenciar. Ejemplo: I was sentenced to 5-year imprisonment
- Release – verb = dejar en libertad
- probation = libertad condicional
- Hackers
- Internet piracy
- Corruption – noun /corapshon/
- Corrupted – adj
- Vandalism
- Vandal
- Community service
- Commit a crime
- Bribery /braibery/ = soborno
- Blackmail = chantaje
- Commit fraud /froood/ = cometer fraude
- Drug dealer = traficante de drogas
- Drug dealing = tráfico de drogas
- Charge sb with sth = acusar a alguien por algo
- Be accused of
- Domestic violence
- Tax haven /heivn/ = paraíso fiscal
- Retail /ritail/ = venta al por menor
- Retailer = vendedor al por menor, tienda al por menor
- Wholesale trade = comercio al por mayor
- Wholesaler = vendedor al por mayor
- Purchase -noun and verb = compra / comprar
- Discount /discaunt/
- Sales
- Items /aitems/
- Bargain /baaagin/
- Online shopping
- Window shopping
- Local shops
- Shopping centre
- Back up = respaldar (local business)
- Globalisation
- Brand name = marca
- Flea market = mercadillo
- Shopping habits
- Shopaholic = adicto a las compras
- Be on a tight-budget = ir ajustado de dinero tener un presupuesto ajustado
- Shop online
- Shop assistant
- Loyalty
- Excessive consumerism
- Responsible consumption
- Shop around = comparar precios
- Best deals = ganga
- Work timetable = horario laboral
- Shifts = turnos de trabajo
- Take holidays = cogerse vacaciones
- Take a day off = cogerse un día libre
- Be under pressure = tener mucha presión
- Pay rise = subida salarial
- Wages = sueldo
- Salary = salario
- Offer sb a pay rise = ofrecerle a alguien una subida salarial
- Working conditions
- Be on sick leave / be on maternity leave = estar de baja por enfermedad / de maternidad
- Be on the dole = estar cobrando prestación por desempleo
- Be in charge of sth / sb = estar a cargo de algo/alguien, ser responsable de algo/alguien
- Be promoted = ser ascendido / get a promotion = ser ascendido
- Hybrid cars /haibrid/
- Laser eye surgery /leisa/
- GPS = Satnav
- Human cloning
- Flying cars
- Video casette recorder
- Vaccines = vaccinations = vacunas
- Diabetes /daiabiiitis/
- Cholesterol
- Eating disorders = trastornos alimenticios
- Cancer
- GP = General Practitioner = médico de familia / cabecera
- Alternative Medicine
- Acupuncture
- Needles = agujas
- Homeopathy
- Osteopathy
- Have an operation = operarse. Ejemplo: She had an operation = la operaron
- Discover /discava/
- Discovery /discavery/
- Have sth done. Ejemplo: I have a massage done
- Cure
- Mainstream medicine = medicina tradicional
- Placebo
- NHS = National Health Service = Sistema Nacional de Salud (la Seguridad Social)
- Ethical / unethical /ezikal/ /anezikal/
- Moral issues = cuestiones morales
- Development = desarollo
- Genetic modification /ginetic/
- Viruses /vairusis/
- Bacteria
- Dilemma
- Genome /ginoum/ = genoma
- 3D printers = impresoras 3D
- Eradicate
- Diseases = illnesses
- Manipulation of genome
- Gene /giiin/ = gen
- Genetics /ginetics/ = genética (como ciencia)
- Genetically modified food = GMO
- Organisms
- Alteration
- Metabolism
- Social media /midia/
- Keep in touch with sb = mantener el contacto con alguien
- Lose touch with sb = perder el contacto con alguien
- Share interests
- Loneliness = soledad
- Unsocial vs social
- False sense of connection
- Share posts
- Read posts
- Google – verb = buscar en Google
- Disconnect
- Be hooked on = be addicted to
- Anxiety /ansaieti/
- Online dating
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Get divorced
- Get married
- Common-law partner = pareja de hecho
- Cohabit = vivir juntos (sin casar)
- Be aware of fake profiles = ser consciente de perfiles falsos
- Speed dating
- Blind dates = citas a ciegas
- Swinging = intercambio de parejas
- Single-parent family = familia monoparental
- Fly the nest = volar del nido (independizarse y dejar la casa de los padres)
- Devote my time/ my life to sth / sb = dedicar mi tiempo/ mi vida a algo / alguien
- Ups and downs = altibajos (en una relación sentimental o de amistad)
- Love at first sight = amor a primera vista
- Be just good friends
- Have a lot in common
- Get to know sth / sb= tener la oportunidad de conocer algo/ a alguien
- Get on well with stb = llevarse bien con alguien
- Kinds of learning: blend learning (online + tradicional learning al mismo tiempo) / e-learning / traditional learning / online learning
- Qualifications = títulos académicos
- Skills = destrezas, habilidades
- Have a way with sth/ sb = tener buena mano con algo/ alguien, darse bien
- Subjects = asignaturas
- Cognitive abilities = habilidades cognitivas
- Mental exercise
- State education vs private education
- Boarding school = colegio internado
- A school run by nuns / priests = un colegio dirigido por monjas / curas
- Mixed school
- Single-sex school
- Language learning
- Career vs degree
- Vocational training = formación profesional
- Internship = periodo de prácticas, prácticas preprofesionales
- Intern = becario
- Grant = beca de estudios. Ejemplo: Erasmus grant
- College vs university
- Discipline
- Behaviour = comportamiento
- Behave = comportarse (bien o mal)
- Wealthy – adj = rico
- Earnings = ingresos = Incomes – ingresos
- Expenses = gastos
- Overdraft = descubierto bancario
- Be in the red = estar en números rojos
- Be in the black = tener saldo a favor
- Fare = tarifa de billete (train, bus, etc.)
- Fees – tasas (university) / honorarios (lawyers…)
- Pay by credit card
- Pay in cash = pagar en metálico
- Current account
- Withdraw money = retirar dinero
- Bank statement = extracto bancario
- Pocket money – paga (para los niños)
- Tip – noun = propina
- Tip sb – dar una propina alguien
- Mortgage = hipoteca. Ejemplo: a 30-year mortgage
- Loan /loun/ = préstamo
- Be in debt – tener una deuda
- Be on a tight budget = tener un presupuesto ajustado
- Tighten your belt – apretarse el cinturón
- Live beyond your means – vivir por encima de tus posibilidades
- Currency – moneda (euro, pound, dollar…)
- Natural world
- The Earth
- Habitat
- Biodiversity /baiou- dai- ver- si- ti/
- Reforestation
- Fossil fuel = combustible fósil
- Rain forest = bosque tropical
- Solar energy
- Wind farm = parque eólico
- Hybrid cars /haibrid/
- Ozone layer /leia/ = capa de ozono
- Recycling = reciclaje
- Alternative energy
- Renewable energy
- Ultraviolet radition
- Earthquake = terremoto
- Tornado /toooneidou/
- Hurricane /harriken/
- Hail /heil/ – noun and verb = granizo y granizar
- Storm
- Tsunami
- Drought /draut/ = sequía
- Blizzard = tormenta de nieve, ventisca
- Carbon footprint = impacto ecológico
- Global warming = calentamiento global
- Environmetally-friendly – adj. = respetuoso con el medio ambiente
- Eco-friendly – adj. = ecológico
- Bags
- Waste = desechos, residuos, desperdicios
- The 3 Rs: reuse, reduce, recycle
- Containers /konteiners/
- Landfill = vertedero
- Threat /zret/ = amenaza – noun
- Threatening /zretening/ = amenazador – adj.
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